Sunday, December 25, 2011

Good stuff to inspire teachers and students!

Got the link below from twitter feed of All Japanese All The Time, a fantastic site about language learning.

35 Great Posts from 2011 for Language Learners and a Bit More


  1. Hey, Thanks so much for the link! Hope you have had a great Christmas. Glad to find your blog as well. Looking forward to reading through and hearing a bit more about your journey with Anki.

  2. Dear Aaron,

    And to you, too, a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We are up visiting friends in snowy northern island of Hokkaido. It is a welcome change from the often too warm weather of Tokyo.

    As you can probably tell from the blog, I'm crazy about Anki. I use it for my Japanese study, and I'm trying to pass that on to my students.

    Good luck with your efforts with Turkish!


