Monday, December 12, 2011


My name is Rich Bailey, and I teach English at Asia University in Tokyo. I also study Japanese, primarily with Rosetta Stone. In addition, the Anki flash card program has become my major tool to review/study my Japanese materials. The iPhone Anki app is extremely useful in that it allows me to study anywhere and at anytime.

With that success in mind, I have been trying to incorporate Anki into my teaching. So far, there have been successes and failures. I would like to share what I have learned with other teachers and to find out if there are others out there doing the same thing.

So, in a nutshell, that is the purpose of this blog. Let's hope it works...


  1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. I have encouraged my students to use Anki on their mobiles. As much as I tried to explain the benefits, it seems no one really got hooked.

  2. Daniel,

    Yes, I know what you mean. It can be quite frustrating. However, I think it is possible, but it takes a lot of modeling and exposure. Did you read my other post about the most important thing I've learned so far with teaching with Anki?

    Also, would you be willing to share more about your teaching and how you have used Anki?



    PS I also have a twitter feed that's related to Teaching with Anki at @richbailey911
